Essential Sales Skills

How to Build Relationships and Have Conversations that Convert

Course Summary

    • Essential Sales Skills
      • Recognize why you need to develop sales skills and how the right approach reflects your desire to serve your customers. Uncover your blocks to selling and discover ways to overcome them, so that you can sell with ease and self-assurance. Start relationships with prospects based on serving their needs, which will naturally lead to sales opportunities.          
         This course includes 5 hours of 1:1 personal coaching.

Course Curriculum

Chris Morales

Courses are delivered by Chris Morales, a seasoned business, sales and marketing executive with over 40 years of experience navigating transitions in business.

He founded SkillsBoost Academy after 5 years teaching business courses at a Toronto College. He saw the need for specific business skills in time management, sales and business planning…skills that could be applied immediately.

Chris began his career selling radio advertising in Kitchener, Ontario after successfully completing the Broadcasting, Radio & TV program at Conestoga College.

He moved back to Toronto when the advertising agency business called. Over the next 35 years, he progressed through the ranks working on National and International businesses and brands including Coca Cola, General Motors, Toyota, Google, Bank of Montreal, HBc, Burger King and Dairy Queen.

Chris is an avid runner having completed numerous races and events from Triathlons, trails and road races. He notes that success in running and in business come from taking one step at a time.

Vanessa Thomas

Freelance Editor

Chris has a wealth of knowledge and experience relevant to today's business environment, and he's very in tune with current developments.  He's also so personable and a pleasure to work with.  Chris was tremendously helpful when I set up my freelance business.  I highly recommend Chris's services!

Course Pricing

Essential Sales Skills

$759 CAD

  • A 5-part online course on essential sales skills. Includes 5 hours of 1:1 coaching

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